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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Our State Magazine

Sometime back in August I received a call from Our State Magazine. They wanted to know if I would do an assignment for their November issue. Of course, I was honored to have been asked by such a reputable magazine and one that pride's itself on great images. Our State is basically THE magazine for North Carolina. It chronicles all the interesting flavor and unique angles of our beautiful State. I was asked to visit a unique store in Jamesville, NC called Mackey's Ferry Peanuts. These guys sell peanuts, brittle, awesome peanut butter, chocolates, cookies . . . pretty much everything you want to over-indulge in. If you haven't heard of this place, you need to visit their website. They offer some sweet tasting products for Holiday Gifts and all of it is made in their store. So, once there, I met the owners, Sharon and Chris. By the end of our photo session they had me carrying a big brown bag of 'samples' out the door. It was awesome. In the end, Our State published two of my images. I thought it was pretty cool. What do you think? So, go buy a copy of Our State Magazine and read the entire article and check out all their beautiful images. They are available at news-stands TODAY!


Lyra said...

Hey, Craig! I've been following your blog for a while now, and love your photography. I couldn't resist leaving you a comment on this one, because Chris and Sharon Smith are my aunt and uncle. Chris is my Dad's brother. I had not heard about the article yet through our family grapevine, so I was so excited to see that they are featured in Our State and that you were the photographer. It's such a small world!

Steven and Candi Manning said...

Craig, This is AMAZING! Wow - what a great opportunity and obviously wonderful work:) I'm so proud of you!!!

Anonymous said...

What an honor to have your work published and to have been pursued by them to be a part of their magazine. Mad Kudos!!