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Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Recently, we went to a local Trunk-or-Treat with some friends Aimee and her daughter Ava. For those of you who are new to this, a Trunk-or-Treat is when people park their vehicles in a parking space and open their trunks. They decorate their trunks in creative ways and stand there and pass out candy. It's a great way to get a lot of candy in a short period of time and meet a lot of people, monsters, goblins, and in our case . . . a Chicken, Dinosaur and Flower. We had a great time wondering through the maze of cars and saying 'trick-or-treat". Lydia really got into it this year. She loved reaching into people's buckets and taking large handfuls of candy . . . several times. Now, I know what you're thinking . . . 'Craig you taught her that', and no, I did not teach her that. She seems to instinctively understand that candy is delicious and she wants all of it she can have (although I was very proud . . . and there was only one time where I told her to go and get more cause they were giving away peanut M&M's). Caleb on the other hand seemed a little more star struck this year. He was a little more aware of all the Goblins, Cowboys, Witches . . . and SpiderMen out there with him. We had to help him along because most of the time he would just stop and stare at people to the point of drooling. I guess it was too much visual stimulation for him. So, we wanted to wish you a Happy Halloween! We hope it's a blast.

Meet the "Flying" Dinosaur.

Meet the Chicken.

Meet the Flower.

You can almost see the amazement in his eyes.

At the first stop Lydia was a little confused, she tried to give back the candy. I think she couldn't really believe what was happening . . . people were just giving her candy. She was in heaven.

In the end, we took some time to enjoy the spoils.

Let the sugar high begin!

They really do grow up so fast. So, don't forget your camera.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Craig, I love this photos. I really like the look of the one of the three kids taken from behind. Also really drawn to the shot of lydia with so much of the night sky. Don't know if its the color contrast or what but its such a neat photo. Looks like all 3 kids had a blast!