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Monday, June 23, 2008

Rainey Grace

Hey Ya'll, Kim again (Craig's wife). As many of you may be able to relate, I am in the season of life where all of my friends are having their second babies. Last week one of my good friends, Shelley, had her baby, Rainey Grace. You may recognize Shelley and Taylor. Craig did a photoshoot for their family last fall. You can view those images here. I've been trying to learn the camera and post processing the images so I can help Craig with his business. Since I love babies and all of my friends are having them I figured I would start practicing there. It's been fun to be able to go to the hospital to visit and also be able to capture some images that my friends hopefully will treasure.

This first image is for Taylor, Shelley's husband. He, like Craig, loves the East Carolina Pirates. Both He and Shelley graduated from ECU, and like us, there is some pirate pride that is not optional for our children to appreciate. Taylor mentioned that he intentionally wore the ECU shirt because he "wanted his daughter to be exposed to the Pirates right out of the shoot". I love the combination effect of black and white sprinkled with a little purple and gold - arrrgh!

Here is a precious moment of Shelley with her baby girl. I'm sure there will be many more kisses to come - especially from her big brother Terry. Shelley is a dear friend and it's been special to walk alongside of her as we try to figure this thing out called, "parenting". What a privilege we have to be a "mommy".

I love this shot of Rainey Grace. The light hit her face just right and the blur of Taylor's profile staring down at her makes it one of my favorite images. The 85mm lens has to be my favorite...it's hard to learn but it's good.


The Tittle Family said...

Kim, they are great! I love the 1st one of Taylor in the ECU shirt (even though I am a Georgia Girl) it is so cool! Again, I am impressed! There is something too sweet about those first days of a baby's life - to capture those moments is amazing!

East Carolina In My Mind said...

Thank you so much Kim! You captured such precious moments of our new family!:)

Anonymous said...

Kim, I'm impressed!! You definitely have an eye and ability to capture precious moments. It's hard to imagine they are ever so tiny..and sleepy :) What a precious gift to be able to capture such sweet quiet innocence. If you guys ever decide to teach photography...sign me up!! ;)